суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


We provide support both for the SDL Trados products we market and for the software solutions we develop in-house, such as quickTerm, smartQuery, globalReview, and expertTools. You want a seamless in-country review process for translators, project managers, reviewers, and experts? These files are often a stumbling block, especially when processed in translation tools. As a result, project participants that are not based in house can easily translate, review, or approve material through a browser with online access to all major Trados functions. This is an ideal solution for infrequent users or reviewers who can participate in the translation process without having to get to grips with the SDL tools. sdl worldserver

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Translation Automation - TAUS

Using a Component Content Management System CCMS brings many benefits to an organization, but one you may not have considered is how it can save you time validating critical information in translated text. In the autonomous content future, globalization must scale to meet new ambitions and strategies to win and retain your customers. Other videos in this series: Beyond an idealistic future vision, we want to offer real solutions to your challenges, obstacles wrldserver realities.

Come learn more about: Embed svl website or blog Copy and paste this embed code to your website or blog: How do you deliver a relevant digital experience for your customers, while retaining authenticity as a brand?

Connecting Content also works smoothly with a variety of other workflow systems and is a wroldserver solution for automating time-consuming processes in this field. Localizing software is a complex task involving developers, product managers, and translators.

There is a growing recognition that making online product content multilingual is an effective way to drive the international revenue momentum, as the eBay and Alibaba experiences show.

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To ensure the best possible user experience, our website uses cookies. Online eCommerce is transforming the global retail landscape. Global Quality Management You want a seamless in-country review process for translators, project managers, reviewers, and experts? Network with like-minded attendees More attendees.

Driven by an ever increasing need to reduce sustainment costs and worlserver capabilities that enhance maintainer accuracy, efficiency and speed, defense organizations are pursuing enterprise consolidation and condition-based maintenance CBM strategies.

Watch this video to hear about the powerful results achieved, including faster time-to-completion. Your email has been sent. Market-leading medical device organizations are increasingly adopting technological solutions to address challenges in product content release management and translation.

These solutions deliver cost reductions and efficiency through increased automation.

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What does 'going global' mean when everything from cars to content creation and translation is driven by machines? You can now save presentations to a watch later list and revisit them at your convenience.

SDL Worldserver Q2 Quarterly Showcase

SDL Tridion Docs offers a comprehensive solution for your distributed organizations for content collaboration while safeguarding security. Andrew Thomas, Senior Director Marketing. Instead these queries present enormous potential for you to enhance quality and lower costs. Queries Have Potential Queries come up in almost every translation project. The extremely powerful, open, and documented APIs enable the system to be automated by upstream systems, and also allow bidirectional communication, for instance to find out the translation status.

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Which marketing systems do you need worldsercer adopt to make it a reality? As the majority of queries relate to terminology, it is important to adopt a holistic, collaborative approach in this area so that this worlcserver can be fully exploited. Connecting Content Connecting Content is the ideal solution for connecting a content management, catalog, or technical editing system to an SDL Trados-based translation workflow. Then you should take a closer look at our little digital helpers: But the complexities of translating a global eCommerce platform pose challenges for businesses without the deep expertise and resources needed to execute such monumental projects.

Take a look at globalReview! We provide support both for the SDL Trados products we market and for worldservdr software solutions we develop in-house, such as quickTerm, smartQuery, globalReview, and expertTools.

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