Slavs and Eoumanians, undergoing almost the same conditions of life, met on friendly terms, lived side by side, and mingled. To-day, of the 13,, hectares constituting the whole property of the Eoumanian soil, some 4,, constitute the small and middle property, of some , peasants; the large property, of some 4, large landowners, is made up of more than 5 J millions, whilst the State owns still over 2J millions, and the domain of the Crown amounts to over , hectares. They were serfs, bondsmen on the land of the nobles, and even the priests were treated as such. Many an adventurer probably settled down quietly, handing over to his children and grandchildren the reminiscences of his youth's adventures, which, magnified by youthful fancy, became the ballads of which we have seen some fragments. The , Yalachians, said to be living in Moravia, have been entirely Slavisised; they have forgotten their mother-tongue, excepting the few Eoumanian words they have preserved in their newly-learnt language ; they have forgotten their nationality, except the name of the soil they are treading on, called still VlashJca Germ. As an answer, one of the peasants is said to have thrust forward his sinewy, sunburnt arm and replied: Except some , hectares of woods owned by the rdzashi, no peasant possesses such.
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In Transylvania proper the Roumanians are not alone masters, but the other nations are in inferior numbers, whilst the Roumanians make up 60 per cent, of the whole piuu, the Magyars Hungarians and Secklers together make up only 27 per cent. But human memory was stronger in those paperless times, and witnesses in flesh and blood did as much for recognition of property as papers could have done.
The modern haidook has nothing more to do with the Greek in revenge of national wrongs ; the aim of his hatred, and of his rifle, is now simply the cioco'i, the parvenu, as he now calls the boiar, the well-to-do, whatever his puou.
In the principalities the Roumanians arose to shake off the yoke of the Russian protectorate, even heavier than Turkish suzerainty, which had already been laid on both principalities since That is why the grateful people eagerly seizes every opportunity of feasting its king, codreanj will always couple the name of Carol I.
The successful candi- date, once in possession of the throne, had nothing more Temporary Hut in the Field.
But Trajan pursued her, overtook her and was on the point of seizing her, when she prayed her pagan gods to save her, and they turned her and her sheep into stones. They fared ill at court, and coming back discontented, they provoked a rising of the Roumanians, in which the equally discontented Bulgarians readily joined.
Beyond the Danube, what remains of the Roumanian nation can be called nothing more than splinters strewn about the variegated mosaic of nationalities making up the map of the Balkan peninsula. The Almighty stood there, puzzled and annoyed, when the industrious bee came to the rescue. But promises had to be kept zarac, and in a new Act was voted by sarsc Roumanian Parliament, giving land to newly-married peasants. But the invasions continued relentlessly ; aarac the time of Caracalla the Goths began their incursions, which soon became so troublesome that at the time of Gallienus the province was already looked upon as lost for the Empire.
If fights there were, it is pretty certain that the fate of those beaten was not the same as the fate of the victors, nor even indeed the same as the fate of those who willingly accepted the new rule. But, unfortunately, Michael the Brave was not a far-seeing statesman, or rather he made the mistake of believing that he would master Transylvania much more easily with the help of Hungarian nobility than with Eoumanian peasantry; but the nobility would not have him and the peasants -!: No wonder, then, that with the nineteenth century the feelings of the peasants towards the boiars are of the fiercest complexion.
On a Saint's day — a fine day, in which " the sun was wrapping the world in gold" — Prince Stephen, ''like another sun," rose to go to church. They all were found to have turned out Roumanians! But in return the Roumanians were obliged to make a sore sacrifice: The whole first period of four or five centuries is full of wars, and successful ones too ; it is their heroic period: Many of the Roumanian chiefs, in order to preserve their wealth and their privileges — or to obtain some more — passed over to the conqueror, accepted his language and religion, and were Magyarised ; those who resisted had to emigrate over the mountains to Valachia and Moldavia, as already seen.
Cuza's successor was Charles I.
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The townsmen, seeing what their supplication to the monarch copl led to, decided to make a supplication to God. In part of them crossed the Danube; Aurelian's Dacia, Moesia inferior, and Scythia minor the Dobrogia fell under their power together with the population of the plain, made up of Slavs, addicted to agriculture, whilst the Roumanians, addicted to pastoral life, were driving their herds from poiana to poiana from Balkan to Rhodope, from Rhodope to Pindus, ever southward bound, in proportion as Nature seemed kinder and the danger satac the invasion less pressing.
But with all that, there was none the less an all-powerful, absolute monarch on his throne, and no one would have been able to stand his wrath. As a matter of fact the Carpathians are made up of a number of chains and peaks, the south-eastern branch being, however, the longest and compactest of puik chains. A commission was accordingly instituted, composed of boiars and peasants to settle their differences.
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Lower down on the ladder of civilisation were the Thracians' brothers, the Agathyrses, dwellers of the Carpathian mountains, and lower still their remoter relatives and neighbours, the Scythians, nominal masters of the plains extending from the Danube far into the east, to the Caspian and Aral lake. Between these two pressing influences, what can Roumanism do? Farther west, on the southern slopes of the Carpathians, Rou- manians are mentioned as being organised in small states, under a voyevode or a kneaz, the most important of these states being the voyevodate of Oltenia, on the right bank of the Olt.
Hopeless of a human partner, he will drink to the trees on the height: In their continual wanderings up-hill and down-hill the Daco-Eomans who remained behind in the north may still have communi- cated with their brothers across the Danube, but to what extent and for how long no one can say. But what could the poor do?
First of all, there are the Roumanian colonists settled down on the right bank of the Danube ; in Bulgaria some 47, half of which are settled together in thirty-six villages by the mouths of the Timok, the rest scattered about in four groups along the Danube ; in Servia a much larger number of Roumanian settlers have been counted, over , of whom, however, a small percentage only are settled ; the others lead a nomadic pastoral life in the mountains.
Things went on in this way as long as the domain of the voyevode — renewed from time to time by confisca- tions of various provinces — lasted. In the river flowing by, the voyevode's dog Molda was drowned, hence the name of sarrac and country, '' Moldova.
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